Homage to Catalonia, by George Orwell

George Orwell wrote on his struggles in the Spanish civil war. He got shot in the neck -- till then, he was at the front. His writings on the political situations were precise and to the point, well balanced and insightful. He wrote on the battles in Spain at that time when the radical socialist movements prompted the fights in the city streets. He was in the middle of them, ending his story with his efforts to rescue his friend in prison. No doubt his background, as a journalist, played a huge role -- in his writings. And he shows his patriotism in the writings, under the light of subjective observation on the ground, with rather small portion allocated to his inner self and his dialogues.

He was there at the battles, struggled to obtain ammunitions and foods, he was with the working class, and infuriate with the have's with little interests in politics. He says, it is wrong to exploit people in their poverty, and not letting them know really about the prices of foods and the welfare status. He was surprised at the Spanish people taking slogans as they are -- and reported the political motives play a less and less role as the battles intensify -- he says, it all ends up to nothing if they do not win the battle, and the communists tortured dissidents in the name of winning the war. There becomes class distinction and salary differences, and that the people lost confidence in the party would ever achieve its original objectives of equality among people. He says -- the front pages are exactly same as blank sheets of paper and that all the reports on the war were distorted.

Homage to Catalonia