The Burkas

Protecting the weak does not end in letting them go free. To prevent the defenseless from harms, requires constant and meticulous watch over the status and the well-being of the oppressed. If a group of people decided to force burkas on women, just anyone of the group to stand up and say she does not wear burkas anymore, is if not impossible, cost them dearly in terms of her social welfare and public relations.

Behind the burka

When you are entering a home in Japan, you take off shoes. If you do not, nobody will protect you from the jeers from every single person you meet. And you will never dare to discuss it with the elderly. But it is not against the law, and you can still practice the customs of wearing shoes in house, if in private at your own place.

For the person to be able to make it an agenda, institutional helps are essential. In case of shoes, you need the credentials and convince people that the people do wear shoes inside the house abroad. In burka's case, simply to have the opportunity to talk about taking it off, the person need to rely on the voices outside the group that taking it off frees human souls. The assumption of the looks being harmful socially lowers the self esteem of the person together with that of the overall race, gender or any other social groups. To feel the air flow on the face, to show the facial expressions, and convey how you feel to others, should not be equated as being exposed to the curious eyes of offenders of the bodies of the person.

The danger of hiding one's face in public is a grave matter. The face coverings will make it harder to track them in public places. It requires metal detector to be sure of the person not carrying weapons underneath. Otherwise, burkas will be certain targets of the questionnaire by the police for reasons.

To protect the weak requires certain premises: the public should never ride on the ever forceful pressure to comply to go underneath, to be hidden, to be excluded, to go unnoticed, -- to social deaths. It could be easier for female part to be insisting the humiliating slogan to go modest in opinions, harmless in the male society, and cute to the eyes of those who take advantages of them. For them to take a strong stance against the implied objectives of female, the laws should give the warnings to those violate the innate rights of the female to breath the fresh air.