Chinese Censorship

The State of Union Address by the President Obama is on 27th, a day later than supposed the last Tuesday of January, a bit symbolic -- it appears to be. The election for the Massachusetts Senate seat was held on Tuesday, making headlines worldwide. The key thing here -- seemingly, is the healthcare bill.

The US government is supposed to announce their stance on Google, which is against the Chinese policies of censorship, filtering everything related to democracy and criticisms against the government.

Search Competition Is Good for Google, China

The Chinese people are not known for patriotism. Having no elections and no protection from the government, it is quite natural that their emotional attachment to the nation is rather thin. It is that they express their anger in terms of patriotism that the government is letting them speak freely of. When the government set the target to Japan, there were bus tours for demonstration with cash and foods rewards, mainly for students. Quite fortunately, or not so fortunately, it stopped making Japan as their targeted enemy.

But at least, it drew attentions. In the States. What about nuclear disarmament? The Geneva talk did not even make a headline. They are still saying things like nuclear weapons will not swipe out the whole human race, quoted from a blog, which underestimates what they do.