Climate Change

The world is becoming ever smaller in terms of political and economic scales. In coping with the environmental disasters such as global warming, no boundaries among nations should limits the measures taken by each country. The nations must unite in tackling at carbon emissions and resulting the rise in atmospheric temperature. The rising sea levels will put island nations in peril. The change in temperature will put wild life species in peril. The rise in temperature results in the most severe typhoons and winter storms.

The grand scheme to cap the emission of carbon dioxide is not something one nation can implement. Not even the United States alone will ever be able to reduce the green house gases. The nation must cooperate in the effort to set the target and legalize the treaty. In such conferences as COP15, the nations' leaders discuss the crucial measure to be taken for tackling the climate change.

The developed nations and developing nations, however, must differ in their tactics in combating the climate change. Since the developing nations would not be certain how much more their industries and consumers emit carbon dioxide, there must be different standards for each group of the countries. The concrete figure for intermediate goals for carbon emission must be set explicitly to have all nations agree to such a standard as agreed in the summit.

The fact that the environmental issue respects no nation's borders is evident in case with the air pollution in China. The air flow from China go across the orders and contaminate the air of neighboring countries. When the river was polluted with benzine, the chunk of the chemicals went down the river and affected the water in Russia and then the ocean. These issues must be solved in cooperation with the neighboring countries to ensure such tragedies will never happen again.

In such times of hardship, all nations must cooperate to find solutions to common problems. The nations all share the consequences of the tragic environmental damages by green house emissions. Unless concerted efforts be taken effects, we all must face the disasters that put the whole humankind in peril.