Nuclear Ambitions

The President ordered to improve securities and issued statements on how to deal with terrorists attacks. The President Obama is scheduled to be back to office on 5th. It indeed gave me a sense of relief, in knowing that someone up there reliable is doing the works. It makes me feel like American will never go wrong, so to speak. The Russians released the demonstrators -- having a campaign on votka, declared that they will cooperate with the US in Pakistan, and hopefully a disarmament treaty coming soon.

To think of Georgia, this hope -- that they will not use forces again, to become a prosperous and peaceful country, we must do everything possible to, cooperate in those efforts, in building trust among the countries.

The more you hope, the more the backlash, at times the only moment you notice how you had expected much. Say, Iran -- the grass root movements got this much since last election, and their nuclear ambitions -- and the arms race in the region, the nuclear power deals. The Iranian government must comply with the IAEA rules or otherwise face the consequences.

The Iranians are making headways toward freedom, in all parts of the country. The repression of the government is heavily critisized, basijs -- gotten out on their own. The hope is -- peaceful transitions -- was -- and now? The pictures of Khamenei are burned on the streets, they chant -- down with Ahmadinejad.

My prayer -- and what else? Before they test its nukes -- they are always on a delicate balance, the security is -- not another North Korea. I believe they are in good hands, and that they learn -- or not -- my best wishes.