Maurice Ravel

The reason why many -- so many of French artists, composers, writers, etc had short lives -- is clearly, that they were under pressure. out of their own fame. If not, why should a composer have his ears damaged? How is it that a painter should have his sight damaged? A writer with dyslexia? Not a coincidence, all come from simple reasons of -- social pressure.

In small societies, the pressure tends to be stronger. Every step of the way, every breath they take, every utterance of their comments -- theirs are refined, but with costs. And with that, they have the sense of obligation, sense of unity, and community. The music shows it all, and it grabs us, telling what it is to be human.

I heard the other day of the performance of Maurice Ravel himself. With such sound that -- he has more things to say than any other people on earth, more than any one of them combined. It does not tell people how to deal with stupidity, it tells you how to feel. I can live on, having that music, written by the hands of the French composer who had lived a life of turmoil, poured in himself into the music, and offered it to the world. No one else could have done that, and no one will.