A Message from HH the Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama sent us a message: greed and possessions should not hinder us from good deeds. Be it human or earthly materials, the notion that you possess them, is the road to distortion and fights. He wrote, you feel you have them when they show good faces to you, and not when they do something against you. He pointed out that it is the greed to possess that can not be which is hindering you from the pathways to peace within and outside you.

He is not talking of politics, mind you -- not human rights, either. It is the fact itself, that the possession itself is evil. Only a mature person can be free from such evils.

When you speak other tongue, you will realize it that absolutely nothing is in your possession. It is close to incredibility, it is the new world, or abyss. Say, you feel you have this notion of possession -- and try to express it in English. Now I have difficulty in writing it all out which seems such a fundamental notion of false convictions in possession. I do not have the notion in English. Subjectivity could be a close notion of it.

Whenever someone is upset, it mostly comes from their notion of possession -- they feel that they possess that something which falsely claimed otherwise. You feel angry when your bicycle is broken. You feel angry when the disease took your relatives away from you. You feel angry when what you regard as sacred is being humiliated. And your anger is, in a word, wrong. It is wrong to assume that you possess them in the first place.

To face the reality that your bicycle is surely broken despite the fact that you claim that it is of your possession, you must be free from the evil. It is not in your possession -- in fact, you really can not possess anything, not really. And anger won't solve the problem, and insisting upon your rights aloud will incite more anger from elsewhere.

In face of a conflict, internal or otherwise, there must always be this warning to drop the false conviction of possession. In the true belief that you do not possess any earthly materials, you can achieve the truth. The mutual respect, as the President Obama said, between Islam and Christianity, I believe, must come by removing the evils from our minds -- that they possess something that can not be. The Christians do not possess the people of Islam. The people of Islam do not possess Christians.

His Holiness's visit to the US is a blessing to the world. His meeting with the President Obama will have a significant impact upon the people on earth. "May our thoughts rest with the people of Tibet" (HH the Dalai Lama).
