The Kamikaze Attackers

Democracy does not guarantee anything. Not peace, not freedom. But it guarantee some aspects of humanity, since that is what they look for, in deciding in whom they trust.

There is this video of the kamikaze attackers encouraged by their officers. The soldiers look set to do their jobs. Their joys and sorrows put aside, they got the dream. An officer came up and held a speech.

None of the officers got the responsibility that is ever so remotely close to whatever there are in the United States. Nonetheless, the war went on and they died. With the dream, with the officers on the ground, against the 'enemies'.

They were not informed right, they were not train to think logically, all that they've got were the hatred and even stronger sense of duty. They wanted to build a pure land of harmony, where no evil prevails. The wills of people when it means purity, should have won any war around the globe. Who exactly has set the pathways? Why did they not think of the consequences of each and every soldiers' life? The faces of the soldiers with one thoughts in mind -- shows clear lacking of -- leadership, that could have lead them to rethink of what they are doing.

Not all that is predictable, of course. And they might have started to fight without any sorts of motives, just with the outburst of hatred, as does happen in Gaza streets. But even in those places, there are intricate tangible human relations that prevent them from attacking each other.