Salt Marsh

The clear blue sky and the sunshine, reflected on water surface, the salt marsh, brine water, and the houses beyond. A glorious day, warm air, clean air, the hills, and the Atlantic Ocean. There are ponds in the middle of the marsh, the shadows of fish move on in every direction by the sound of footsteps. Killdeers, the sunshine, the water beneath the rush thicket.

The gorgeous houses, the driveways, toys -- boats, basket ball goals, trampolines, baseball fields, they spend money on holidays. The lobster eat-out places, beers, the people, by cars, lined up -- parking lot with fees, beaches, they spend the money that they have. Cars everywhere, moving, waves at pedestrians, bicycles, crowds at shopping centers, foods, at good prices, the people come and go, and the sunshine.

The sunshine -- the death sentences, on four Japanese -- hang heavy in my mind, in China, which seems to have no ears -- their way of dealing things, is telling enough. They found the convict for the food poisoning case. But it was pesticide which was in the package, they found the suspect -- as if they control the use of pesticide. By their law, its use is prohibited all right, then what of the cases with trucks turned over full of the pesticide? They found the criminal, they might execute him. Their health director was executed for toothpaste poisoning, which killed over a hundred people in Panama.

There was a hill, dedicated by an individual, and the view from there, beyond the woods the magnificent houses, there were grasshoppers, that survived the winter. Green buds are all over the tree branches, the spring is here. The rosettes of thistles, Galium, Lamium, and all the leaves are thick and leathery. It must dry up quite a bit in this area.

The people, in the holiday moods, go to and fro, some was painting the scenery, the views are scenic. The cars go by, some carrying boats on top. The traffic was busy. The pedestrians -- they do seem to look like what it is to spend their time on sports, eating, etc. It was a fine holiday.