In the weekly radio address, President Obama warned the lobbyists distort the law making process with the corporate money and other organizations. "Every time a major issue arises, we've come to expect that an army of lobbyists will descend on Capitol Hill in the hopes of tilting the laws in their favor". He expressed his opposition to the Supreme Court decision in January in the case that removed the limit on corporate spending on election campaign. "In short, this decision gives corporations and other special interests the power to spend unlimited amounts of money -- literally millions of dollars -- to affect elections throughout our country". A new law introduced in Congress requires the political ads to disclose the nature of their funding. "when corporations and other special interests take to the airwaves, whoever is running and funding the ad would have to appear in the advertisement and claim responsibility for it -- like a company's CEO or an organization's biggest contributor".
The fact that that the only handful of banks dominate the market and the nation's wealth, and that those companies hire lobbyists to literally pay "bribes" to lawmakers, should explain how they developed 20 times GDP derivative market, without any warning nor rules by any institutions. Compare to the huge salaries that the CEO's of the banks, the amount of bribes are in small amount, considering the merits that they get. The amounts, however, are equivalent to the average workers' life-time salaries. No ordinary individual can out pay them. Only those huge corporations can, get their voices heard. On the ruling that the Supreme Court in January that lift the ban on the corporate spending, justice Stevens said the ruling would "cripple the ability of ordinary citizens, Congress and the states to adopt even limited measures to protect against corporate domination of the electoral process".
If there could be any reason those banks not being insisting upon "to remove competitors" -- the most certain way to boost earnings -- by paying to lobbyists by making rules that would prohibit entry of any other banks, that is if such moves are reported, that would be controversial and they lose customers and their trusts. The transparency is the key here to prevent them from taking actions to setting up such rules. What of the case with the lobbyists' moves now not to create emergency funds? If they are not the ones to set up such funds, tax money will go into the potential too-big-to-fail banks. The lobbyists' works are just like this, benefit the few and the tax money will go to their pockets in the end. The measures in the bill should get them accountable for their lobbyists activities.
The fact that that the only handful of banks dominate the market and the nation's wealth, and that those companies hire lobbyists to literally pay "bribes" to lawmakers, should explain how they developed 20 times GDP derivative market, without any warning nor rules by any institutions. Compare to the huge salaries that the CEO's of the banks, the amount of bribes are in small amount, considering the merits that they get. The amounts, however, are equivalent to the average workers' life-time salaries. No ordinary individual can out pay them. Only those huge corporations can, get their voices heard. On the ruling that the Supreme Court in January that lift the ban on the corporate spending, justice Stevens said the ruling would "cripple the ability of ordinary citizens, Congress and the states to adopt even limited measures to protect against corporate domination of the electoral process".
If there could be any reason those banks not being insisting upon "to remove competitors" -- the most certain way to boost earnings -- by paying to lobbyists by making rules that would prohibit entry of any other banks, that is if such moves are reported, that would be controversial and they lose customers and their trusts. The transparency is the key here to prevent them from taking actions to setting up such rules. What of the case with the lobbyists' moves now not to create emergency funds? If they are not the ones to set up such funds, tax money will go into the potential too-big-to-fail banks. The lobbyists' works are just like this, benefit the few and the tax money will go to their pockets in the end. The measures in the bill should get them accountable for their lobbyists activities.