G8/G20 Summits

The G8 and G20 summits will be held in Toronto, Canada on 25 - 26, 26 - 27, respectively.

There are several factors that lead up to the summit, and each leader carries his and her own troubles at home, with each specific agenda to be discussed. They could stall any progress, it is all up to the leadership, which they are there for.

Here are G8 countries and recent headlines:

Japan -- Upper house election on 7/11
US -- Gen. McCrystal's resignation
UK -- BP oil spill in Gulf of Mexico
France -- Massive strikes over the pension reform
Germany -- Unpopular Greek aids
Canada -- Arrests concerning the security of the summits
Italy -- PM's scandal over his private life
Russia -- Gas disputes with Belarus
EU -- Belgium separatists' win in the election

Could they overcome the difficulties and make their points clear to the world? A lot are upon their shoulders. All hopes are upon them for the better.

What we can do is to concentrate on agenda that matters. Say, North Korea. The declaration is expected to come with terms that denounces North Korean deadly topedo attack at night over South Korean corvette Cheonan, which it denies. The case with North Korean torpedo attack are discussed only informally at UN Security Council, the formal talk barred by Chinese oppositions.