$35 Tablet PC

I order a dollar protective cover for iPad via ebay and it arrived today.  The implication of this is much.  It's from Hong Kong directly.  Directly sent via surface mail.

The Indian government announced it developed $35 tablet PC.  This kinds of project never took hold, because PC really is an item for the educated.  And only privileged few can get the education there.

I am a bit concerned about the easy stance of Indian government taking education.  Providing cheap PC won't solve the illiteracy problems in India by itself.  Not only it requires money, it takes a whole lot on the side of the government, in such places like in India to force education on people.  The literacy rate of 64% in India.  Education literally means deprive one of the freedom to do anything else.  In a word, the Indian government really must to force it on its people regardless of their economic status.

The Kerala state of India, where communist took over the local government, they have over 90% literacy.  And this says it all.  It only is that there is no industry in that state; people go out to look for jobs in Middle East and elsewhere, precisely because of their high level of education.