Citizens United

The Citizens United, under its president David Bossie, is an organization which proclaims its aim to be to "reassert the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security".

If united, it can and does exerts power; thus defies its purposes.

They are being unfair in those who take responsibilities, saying gratuities is a matter of premedieval concepts.  But if they do not, the streets will be full of cans, bags and paper cups.  Why do they not praise the effort to clean it up?  There certainly are more things to be done about the Healthcare bill and the Financial Reform bill. Credit where the credit is due; that is where their success will depend on.

Conservatism is a fortress of the poor, the only resort for that matter.  What else would hinder the wealthy from doing something absurd as -- starting a war to get richer?  The public outrage, can not be more eloquent than in saying that is outrageous, against the God's way, no precedence, unthinkable.  When they say it pays off, how could prudence come in to play?  Traditionally, religions are the answer.  The religions are closely related to conservatism.  They only differ in having bibles or not.

The senate is voting on DISCLOSE Act on Tuesday.