Moving Forward on the Economy

President Obama in his weekly radio address talked about how to restructure the US economy and get the jobs back to the country.  He emphasized the importance of coming Small-Businesses Lending Fund in that small businesses hire people within the country unlike the multi-international enterprises.  The measure, costing estimated $30 billion, was taken because the banks went bankrupt which support the small businesses.  He also emphasizes the tax cuts for middle class Americans, not for the riches.  He was talking about clean energy incentives and denounced the Republicans not complying with the idea. He hailed the Healthcare bill that secure the people's health in this country and the success of the Financial Reform bill that secures the financial stability and transparency of the market.

Here are the points of arguments.  The reason why Republicans are: big companies tend to succeed in business, taking the huge share in the market, precisely because they bring business outside the country for cheap labor costs.  The market might go well while the jobs would be scarce.  About the tax cuts for the riches; the riches are most likely to invest in businesses efficiently and the amount of investments are to increase with less taxes.  They are also prone to escape from the country when they increase the taxes.  The tax cuts for the riches widen the income gaps which would inevitably increase the social instabilities and risky bets.  Clean energy adds costs; cheap dirty and dispensable materials run the economy, even if that means more cheap perhaps Chinese products would drive out the US manufactured safe products.

The case is clear in the lighting situation in the States.  At the store, energy efficient fluorescent and energy eating halogen bulbs are sold here along with the regular bulbs.  But there is no LED lamps.  Let alone anything newer devices.  Because all those semiconductor devices are not manufactured in the States any more.

Let's hope the manufacturers brings the jobs back here in the States with the measures taken, and then we can hope for more technological advancements in the industry.