Senate election in Nevada, 2010

President Obama held a speech in Las Vagas, NV where Sen. Harry Reid will fight for his seat this fall. Sen. Reid was a boxer, he said. He was talking about taking his punches. His opponent will be Sharron Angle, a former teacher from Republican party.

What I found out from Wikipedia article on Angle was extraordinary. She has the opinion to abolish -- the Department of Education.

The major drawback of abolishing the Department of Education would be that they will end up with teaching the same thing for many years without the guidance from the Department. Namely, they will not change the teaching methods, as in IT and computing, unless the Department tells them to do so. It might be a good way to teach agriculture and natural history, which the geological factors plays a big part, but not biology in which updates alters the entire line of thoughts. In 1960, they did not teach DNA. If the teachers do not update the information that they possesses, they won't teach genetics. Likewise, until 1995, they did not program in Java. The Department should give them the guidelines for what they teach.

The article says, she wants to withdraw from the UN. How then do they solve the problems worldwide, get cooperation from nations around the globe? It would be hard to get the agreement among all the nations if the US is the only proponent. The statement on the North Korean torpedo attack was issued when South Korea submitting the proposal to the UN, together with other nations including Japan, US, France, and UK. Without UN, other nations must bring the resolutions to the US for approval, instead to the UN. But what if the US is on one side, or believe to be so?

Here is another thing. She does not believe that global warming is caused by human. What kind of science do they teach at schools? If the temperature goes up but the cause is not by carbon dioxide, then what do they teach of the causes of the warming?

It says, she is in the opinion that the people want to be armed when they have different opinions -- from the government. Where am I? Do they take up arms when they want to say something to the government? Can she be telling jokes like this to her people at schools?

Well, it's from wiki. So she might not be in that exact opinions.