Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2010

President Obama signed the unemployment insurance extension bill today.  This is a pared down version of the bill, which cost $34 billion.  The media is reporting as the victory on the side of the people who got unemployed and who could be potentially unemployed.

President Obama said: Today, I signed the unemployment insurance extension to restore desperately needed assistance to 2.5 million Americans who lost their jobs in the recession. Americans who are fighting to find a good job and support their families will get the support they need to get back on their feet during these tough economic times.

I agree in their saying GOP is heartless in refusing unemployment compensation.  I know how important it is.  It is so much better than social welfare.  It is an insurance, you paid for premiums, and unfortunately you take it back.  It has time limits, which is an incentive to look for works while welfare lasts forever.

It is not only a matter of their hearts.  The voice of people in their districts certainly would affect the measures they take.  And those voices would be picked up by the media.  They never say two years, the extended unemployment coverage, is too long for that reason.

What is lacking in those articles on the bill are, really simple and straight forward explanation of what is debated and what has achieved along with what has not with oppositions coming from whoever they name it.  They call it political, but it really is not, it is because of how the media is run, what sort of attentions they have received and nurtured.

Here is an interesting article from MAPLight.org (Votes and Money on the Unemployment Benefits Bill) on who received the contribution money from interested groups regarding the bill.  The listing shows the correlation between the lawmakers who voted no for the bill and no money received from the interested groups.  This could be a result or just the cause of the voting behavior.  Interestingly, it clearly shows that those who received certain amount from both opposing and benefiting groups are voting yes for the legislature.