Nagano Election

 DPJ won the governorship in Nagano, an extremely close race, won by 5000 votes or 0.55 % of the votes, even with the low turnout of the election that contributed to more weight of the organized votes.  Former vice governor, former bureaucrats METI, or former MITI.  Things might change if it has not already, next DPJ head election is at stake, after that when next diet session starts, the parliament might dissolve due to upper house taken over by the opposition and that all might change for this.  They say DPJ puts money and people in the campaign, campaigns on TV, those celebrities.  The Prime Minister Kan has it then with all the support he could get, including from bureaucrats.  His pro-US stance payed off, I would say.  Good things and bad things, but would get liberal a bit, I hope.

One of my question to the administration is, whatever for the $6.5 billion subsidies if it does not lower the prices of foods?  They are meant to help alleviate the burden of the complicated systems contribute to the high prices of agricultural products.