The UN General Assembly, DADT, IAEA, and Vatican Bank

The UN general assembly will be held and talks are planned between heads of the states. President Obama's speech is expected on Thursday. During the talk with the Chinese premier Wen Jiabao, he is expected to demand to raise the yuan rate, which is accused of the main cause of multinational enterprises exporting factories to China for cheaper labor costs and thus depriving the US jobs.

The Republicans filibustered the passage of DADT repeal, which would restrict people to serve the US forces who are openly heterosexual or those who do not disclose their sexual orientation, known as DADT, Do not ask, Do not tell.

The IAEA is having a meeting from 20 to 23, where the Arab nations push Israel to sign NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel is generally considered to be the only Middle East nation that possesses nuclear weapons. A resolution passed last year to urge Israel to sign the treaty. IAEA chief Yukiya Amano submitted a report last month that urge Tel Aviv to join the NPT. Turkish President Abdullah Gul said to raise the issue on Thursday at the UN. Egyptian delegate at IAEA Aly Omar Sirry on Wednesday accused Israel of "chutzpah", blatant shamelessness.

Vatican is accused of money laundering by its financial institution "Vatican bank". The Italian authority seized 34 million euros for not disclosing their sources. According to Settimio Caridi's testimonials in 2006, the bank accepts deposits only from top Catholic Church officials and entities.