Why the US should not sell weapons to China

The US President Barack Obama sent a proposal to Congress and Senate which suggest selling C-130 helicopters to China would benefit the national interests of the United States of America. It needs to go through Congress and Senate for the sales of arms to China. Here, I would like to express my oppositions to selling weapons to China for several reasons.

1. The risk of selling weapons to China proper

First, it would endanger the military balance in the region including the US allies Japan and South Korea where there still the US bases despite the local oppositions. The Okinawa bases are to protect Taiwan from the possible aggressions. C-130 can be used to carry fuel and supply materials.

2. The risk of China's selling pirated weapons

Second, China is known for making copies of products and infringement of copyrights including weapons. Chinese company has produced Y-8, Russian licensed helicopters and started developing the US's C-130 look-alike which seemed to have stopped production a few years ago. Handing off the technologies would not benefit the national interest of the US. On the contrary, selling China the weapons will certainly create market for copied weapons. China is known to supply ammunition to war-torn areas such as Sudan and Congo. This will results in tragedy in many parts of the world.

3. The US credibility over its stance towards human rights agenda

Third, the selling of weapons to the Chinese government means a significant endorsement to the dictatorship of the nation and its military that does not belong to the nation. The People's military is the Communist party's private forces. By selling weapons to such a regime means that the US is showing the willingness to deal with the government under communist party rule despite its criticism of human rights violations and oppression to its own people. Selling weapons and accusing of its conducts does not much of a sense when there seems to have no concessions on Chinese side.

4. The military balance of the region

Fourth, the selling of weapons greatly damages the relations with the allies of the region and around the globe. Much of the security of the region is relied upon the US's presence. Even with case of North Korea's nuclear tests, the US's nuclear 'umbrella' provides the security. Selling of weapons to China would encourage re-armament talks of the neighboring nations. Trust is a very important factor for security.

5. The risk of pressing other nations to take pro-China stance

Fifth, as the sales would indicate the US moving toward China, it will force the other neighboring nations towards pro-China policies both politically and militarily. In political sense, it means more money flowing into China under the name of environment protection or some other names. The bribes handed out to Chinese officials to 'smooth out' relations with Chinese government for having business there will have less obstacles in giving out to them. In international politics, it means that the neighboring nations would side with the Chinese stance.

6. The risk of discouragement of speaking up against Chinese oppression

Sixth, the encouragement of pro-China politicians within the neighboring countries will exert a devastating influence in the politics especially regards to international agenda. Proclaiming to free the prisoners in China or the nations under dictatorship with the help from the Chinese government and selling weapons to what is responsible for the concentration camps will give a good excuse for the oppositions to stop the movement to say anything against China. The media in the region is already influenced by the Chinese government and its business partners is under the influence that clogged the voices of people to free the political prisoners.


Why sell weapons to China? It is bad for the nation, for the industry, for its people, for the region and for the world. I would like to ask the Congress and Senate not to endorse such an act.