The worldwide integration and cooperation, and the disparity within the nation

There are signs of the governor Patrick/lieutenant governor Murray and their Republican opponent on the street. 

Putting the elections aside, the day passes quietly and normally.


The French President Sarkozy, the German Chancellor Merkel, and the Russian President Medvedev had a talk and agreed to set regulation at G20.  President Medvedev announced he will be attending the NATO meeting.  


The French strikes are planned today for the French senate was expected to pass the reform bill which triggered the strikes.  Now the oppositions submitted changes to the bill, the vote may be suspended to the day after tomorrow.  How the debate would go, that will be coming up soon.

The number of people participated in the strikes is lower compared to those in 1995 and 2006 and the French laws have changed since then to lessen the degree of damages caused by the strikes such as the minimum services of schools and transportation, and the workers won't be paid during their walkouts. 


China raised its interest rate.  For fear that it would lead to depression, the dollar rate went down against high interest currencies such as Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand dollars.  I am hoping the Chinese currency of yuan would go up to enough amount to have fair trades and not dumping.  So that the jobs will be back in the States.  If the US stop making things, the technological advancements will be deterred both for reasons that the lack of progress on their part and that they hinder others' for fear that they would lose their businesses. 


In Japanese, it is called 'land-rolling' to sell and buy lands to gain profits.  In Ozawa's case, it is for money laundering purposes.  He possesses properties in Tokyo -- where the lands are the most expensive -- which amount to more than $10 million. 


It is hard to believe the Republicans are proposing to cut taxes on the wealthiest 2% at the amount of $700 billions over 10 years.  Not $70 billions, it is ten times as much.  How could they do such a thing?  It is outrageous. 

The disparity of wealth increases the crime rates, lowers the industrial productivity, and lessens the feels of unity as a nation. 

The disparity means, you are looking at the wealthy when you do not have the means to achieve it, legally. 

The manual labor should not be despised.  When the disparity is prevalent, though, more manual labor will be upon the lower income groups.  This cause a devastating effect to the society for engineering.  Engineering basically is about moving things around making them work.  You would lose the feels when you do not make it. 

Losing the unity as a nation leads to even more crimes due to the lack of the feels of obligation as a responsible member of the society.  The unfairness of the income and subsequent evaluation of some groups of people lowers the willingness of those who are undervalued to get to work.  The unity, or social cohesion, plays a role in community collaboration.