Fire: Seven died in Dijon

In Dijon, France, seven people died in an apartment where mostly Western Saharan people reside on Saturday.  

The left wing people in French are probably ones of the most intelligent and powerful critiques of the world.  Only thing they lack is the vigorous enforcement to put their agenda up front.  Getting thousands of people go to strikes nowadays is not enough, with the media control, as they themselves claim -- President Sarkozy and his friends have it.  It's the age of the mass communication backed with mass consumption market.  Probably the French democracy senses the judgment of the era while weighing the trade-off's of the riches tying up their wealth with the US agenda. 

The irritation and rage from some of the European critics are apparent about the sensitive topics such as Romani people.  They decorated the poor living conditions of Roma with notions of artistic impulses and accuse any who tamper with the illusions.  They rightfully claim the deportation fuels the discrimination against Roma.  I am hoping they would agree on this point -- that something must be done about the camps, which is the basis of organized crimes and even more so because the clan is tribal based. 

Probably the notion of nomads as a symbol of freedom should not be overlooked.  I would think the French president urged people to modernize in the way of looking at Roma living in poor conditions, which is not too far from the US's way of looking at traditional hierarchy.  They are at times awfully wrong but in this case, hopefully, it would improve the situation both for the Romani people and the people in France. 

Security does have the priority.  The role of government is security, security in terms of providing the economical means, employments, loans, physical entities, harms from outside/inside, markets, etc.