Cote d'Ivoire Election; President Obama's speech; DADT; DREAM Act

The presidential election was held in Cote d'Ivoire on 28th last month. The election committee announced the victory of Alassane Ouattara, former prime minister under former President Houphouët-Boigny. The constitutional committee, however, give the victory to the former President Laurent Gbagbo. The US, EU, UN, and AU announced their support for Ouattara.

The Gbagbo reign was not without controversies. While most of the nation's industries and infrastructure was relied upon the French companies and investments, Gbagbo 'opened the market' to other companies including Cargill and ADM. He is known for his ruthless political maneuver such as the use of youths protesting out on the streets. The reports say journalists killed reporting on the Cacao industry.

President Obama spoke at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, NC, talking about sciece and technologies.

I made a phone call to Sen. Brown's office thanking for support on the repeal of DADT upon knowing his support. On the phone, I asked to put the repeal on vote as soon as possible. According to Boston Globe columnist Derrick Jackson, 70% of the military personnel say they should accept all people regardless of their sexual orientations, and 72% of civilians agree with the repeal.

DADT and DREAM Act -- this is about human rights. This is about the acceptance and recognition, the human value. The DREAM Act guarantees the right to become an American citizen in exchange of their services in the military or education in colleges. According to a report, the US will be short of 16 million college graduates.