DADT repealed; new START

The Senate voted on the DADT repeal and passed it at 3pm today.  Along with the Democrats' support, eight Republicans Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH), Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL), Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), Sen. John Ensign (R-NV), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME)  voted for the measure.  More than 13,000 people have been discharged from military because of the DADT rule while the Defense Secretary Robert Gates and US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen said the repeal of DADT will have no negative effect. 

The Senate has started the debate on the new START treaty.  President Obama spoke in his weekly address and stressed the importance of the ratification of the new START treaty. The President said:

During the past year, however, our old treaty with Russia expired, and without a new one, we won’t be able to verify Russia’s nuclear arsenal, which would undercut President Reagan’s call to trust, but verify, when it comes to nuclear weapons. Without a new treaty, we’ll risk turning back the progress we’ve made in our relationship with Russia, which is essential to enforce strong sanctions against Iran, secure vulnerable nuclear materials from terrorists, and resupply our troops in Afghanistan. And we’ll risk undermining American leadership not only on nuclear proliferation, but a host of other challenges around the world.

The Senate on the same day confirmed Judge Albert Diaz as the US Court of Appeals judge and Federal Magistrate Susan Richard Nelson as the US District Court judge in Minnesota.

Jane and I were talking about the DREAM Act, which would have provided the chances for undocumented youths who have entered the States before they were 16 and have spent more than 5 years to obtain legal residency and then citizenship when they serve military or attend colleges. She said the system can be exploited and that the thresholds on keeping criminals out are set too low. She went further on to say the Mexicans can work for the US companies during the day and return home to Mexico when the work is over. She agreed that something must be done about the people who are already here and who have spent years in the States and still have no papers. She said, it is impossible to close the borders and to have through inspections for the small businesses that hire illegal immigrants.