There is no supposed censorship in the US media. Regarding to the tax cut measure, however, there certainly is the tendency of using some rhetoric for the wealthiest 2%. Here are some of the expression in the media: 'extension of Bush-era tax cuts', simple 'tax-cut plans', 'lower rates', 'tax fight', 'taxes', 'for all income levels', etc. To the 98% of Americans, their use of words can be annoying.
The tax cuts for the wealthiest amounts to $700 billion over 10 years. If $700 billion are to be paid to the wealthiest 2%, that must be paid back in some way, by the some form of tax raise on the 98% of us and possibly on the wealthiest 2% as well. This $700 billion will be borrowed money, from nations such as China and Japan. The US has been holding off exerting its influence on those nations because of the massive debts. Why should increase the amount of debts to those countries by paying it to the wealthiest 2%?
The articles should use the term the 'tax break for the wealthy', at least to start the discussion in some fair way. The AFP has it: 'Republicans block tax cuts for US middle class'. For fairness, these are the names of the Democratic senators who opposed the motion to vote the tax cut bills yesterday: Sen. Russ Feinstein (WI), Sen. Ben Nelson (NE), Sen. Joe Manchin (WV), Sen. Jim Webb (VA), and Sen. Liebermann (CT).
The tax cuts for the wealthiest amounts to $700 billion over 10 years. If $700 billion are to be paid to the wealthiest 2%, that must be paid back in some way, by the some form of tax raise on the 98% of us and possibly on the wealthiest 2% as well. This $700 billion will be borrowed money, from nations such as China and Japan. The US has been holding off exerting its influence on those nations because of the massive debts. Why should increase the amount of debts to those countries by paying it to the wealthiest 2%?
The articles should use the term the 'tax break for the wealthy', at least to start the discussion in some fair way. The AFP has it: 'Republicans block tax cuts for US middle class'. For fairness, these are the names of the Democratic senators who opposed the motion to vote the tax cut bills yesterday: Sen. Russ Feinstein (WI), Sen. Ben Nelson (NE), Sen. Joe Manchin (WV), Sen. Jim Webb (VA), and Sen. Liebermann (CT).