Tax cut deals; A piece of junk

President Obama spoke in the weekly radio address and emphasized the importance of the tax cut deals in the House and Senate.

The Senate is scheduled a critical vote at 3 PM Monday.

Poisettia/Noche Buena
Euphorbia pulcherrima

Long dark uninterrupted nights of 12 hours
for two months are required for the poinsettia
plants to flower.  
I made another chair in a different size. I reduced the steps that it takes to assemble and I assumed that I saved some screws. The other day, I made paper holders and a stand for iPad. For the stand, it needed some adjustment after I glued them together, but at the end I made it to work. It is sitting on the table. The paper clips I made, works just fine.

My head is full of plans for the next furniture. I will make a smaller table that just fit inside this table I am writing this on. That should sit beside this table and will hold books and other things. Another table should go into the bedroom for the desktop.

I had to go to Home Depot and return the drill bit because it does not work for my purposes. I was particularly upset because I asked the store person how I wanted to use the bit and it did not work as intended. I said to the service person "I consulted and given offered this item. But it does not cut the log straight." etc trying to explain the situation. Her answer, however, was simple. "Oh, that's a piece of junk" and she refunded for the item.