Tax cut to wealthiest 2%

President Obama spoke at a press conference about the compromise deal on tax cuts and unemployment benefits.

During the press conference, during the whole time, I was thinking -- this person speaking in front of me just promise to give out $900 billion to the US tax payers. Without any slightest reference to how it is to be paid back. He referred to China and Saudi Arabia which owns the huge amount of the US bonds. In that case -- that sacrifices the whole world and the US ideologies.

The silent 98% -- the top 2% got $700 billion against the opinion polls.

The lawmakers are more than willing to collect taxes and provide to their supporters. Republicans to the riches, Democrats to unemployed. Who are going to pay the money? The middle class, the 98% majority. The 2% owns so much of the wealth of this nation. Will the voters be silenced?