Washington Post article: Why New START deserves GOP support

The Washington Post posted an article on new START treaty (STrategic Armes Reduction Treaty), by the secretaries of state for the past five Republican presidents, Henry A. Kissinger, George P.Shultz, James A. Baker III, Lawrence S. Eagleburger, and Colin L. Powell (Why New START deserves GOP support). The article urges the Senate to ratify it to be able to check and verify the Russian nuclear arsenals. The former secretaries of state emphasized that the number that is stated in the treaty is enough to protect the nation and all allies around the globe. The article refers to the expense of modernization of the weapons.

The nukes are inhuman. The nuclear weapons have not been used for fear that would destroy the entire civilization. The weapons are there under the scheme called MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction in which the weapons of both sides would keep the weapons from the actual usage on both sides. This scheme, however, is not effective when the weapons are in the hands of terrorists. In the supposed unilateral war, there is no deterrent for them to use the weapons on nations and states.

The new START Treaty was signed last April by the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the President Obama. The cooperation with Russia is essential for the war against terrorism in Afghanistan and control the nuclear weapons. Without the treaty, the mandate for the notifications about changes in the strategic nuclear arsenal and on-site inspections can not be enforced.

There are many nations who wants to have nuclear weapons. The movement itself to reduce the numbers of them would significantly lower the risk of the spread of the weapons. The proliferation of nuclear weapons are of imminent danger as in the case with North Korea which boast of its secret facilities for uranium enrichment. The denouncement on the secretive state at the UN Security Council, however, was deterred by the opposition from China. It is getting increasingly more difficult to prevent the rogue nations from possessing the weapons and it will be more so in the future.

It is time to move on.
Whenever New START is brought up for debate, we encourage all senators to focus on national security. There are plenty of opportunities to battle on domestic political issues linked to the future of the American economy. With our country facing the dual threats of unemployment and a growing federal debt bomb, we anticipate significant conflict between Democrats and Republicans. It is, however, in the national interest to ratify New START.

-- Henry A. Kissinger, George P.Shultz, James A. Baker III, Lawrence S. Eagleburger, and Colin L. Powell