The Arizona shoting; Belarus; BP

President Obama in his weekly address to unite. He praised the courage of the people at the crime scene. He called for bipartisan supports and stand together as a nation in the face of the tragic event in Tucson, Arizona that sacrificed six lives and injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords gravely.

The EU Committee of the Ministers is demanding Belarus to explain the reason of the arrest of the opposition candidate and activists. Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) denounced the arrest as a step backwards in the democratization process in Belarus at a press conference in Minsk. To the EU member states', the US's and other nations' calls, the Belorussian government has announced closing the OSCE office and raising the oil transport fee by 12.5%.

Democracy, however it may seem to be ridiculously aiming at the lower level, has proved the most effective in changing the directions of nations in such a way to benefit their citizens.

The music of Shostakovich was written by the intellectuals that are suffering in the Old World as they call it where nothing is so free as in the States -- to certain people at least. They wrote the music hanging on the thinnest balance to survive, it is a scream, crying out to the world. And they cry out the victory of human being.

Having lost everything, under constant threats, physical or emotional, crushed hopes and getting proper or any reputation, they find the brief period of bliss, or enlightenment, which is only given to people who -- stood firm in difficulties. The moments are, come in its own accord but it is not at all a passive process, they strive for them, knowingly and at times without knowingly.

Who can invade the life of an individual? The Soviet rules were harsh, losing the time of his or her own, it is a process of -- being taken up something by the authority, something precious, something that the person treasures, just by trodden by the muddy boots of the officials.

Trust is everything in democracy. The effort to keep the trust intact saves the lives of constituents and that is how democracy works. People would vote for the trust on the leaders and in the conviction that they can and do solve problems. Reputations, among people who are not easily turned away, should be taken into consideration more carefully.

UK's BP struck a deal with Russian oil company, Rosneft.