Mubarak stepped down; Hilton Chicago

Hosni Mubarak stepped down from the position. The vice president of Egypt Suleiman declared today. The people in Egypt are all enthralled in bliss and seem to be totally oblivious of what awaits them. This is history in the making. The excitements and attentions of people, however, must be turned to the efforts for democratic and pro-Western government for all concerned. President Obama said this is only a beginning.

I am in Chicago for business and it is very cold out. Downtown Chicago is a modern looking city. This is where President Obama gave speeches at Hilton Chicago.

I had the chance to use the Sony's Zeiss lens. With this lens, I could take photos even in the evening and at night in downtown Chicago. It is a nice surprise that it takes such clear photos even when I photographed the objects in such dim light.