The state of mind of people, is subject to change under the circumstances. Many would be willing to say nice things and be humble when the situation requires them. When it no longer requires them to be doing so, when you have the money that are available to you, when the people are willing to listen to you, it is that situation has it that you would lose the compassion and enthusiasm that once invigorated you.
Ask the riches what made them go into the religious activities that now are occupying their interests. How could the chores weigh heavily on your mind at home than at work? Why do those who advocated for human rights simply shut off about 'the lobbyists, big companies, Israel and China' when they take office? It is beyond them to feel the same indignation and anger towards what they previously defined the evils when they offer you the vital needs for popularity surge and money for campaigns.
In UK, the coalition is about to be resolved after the general election that resulted in the defeat of the Liberal Democrat. Could this be the judgement of people now that they are in the government "under the limelight"? The political wisdom seems to be saying they had to at least be lamenting of the ineffectiveness of their protests.
Ask the riches what made them go into the religious activities that now are occupying their interests. How could the chores weigh heavily on your mind at home than at work? Why do those who advocated for human rights simply shut off about 'the lobbyists, big companies, Israel and China' when they take office? It is beyond them to feel the same indignation and anger towards what they previously defined the evils when they offer you the vital needs for popularity surge and money for campaigns.
In UK, the coalition is about to be resolved after the general election that resulted in the defeat of the Liberal Democrat. Could this be the judgement of people now that they are in the government "under the limelight"? The political wisdom seems to be saying they had to at least be lamenting of the ineffectiveness of their protests.