
It seems like the US-UK talk went on with the UK having the moral high ground, as they describe it, for having cut the budgets -- and losing Liberal Democrats.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a speech in Congress and received a good amount of applause. There was just a occasion of protest and the Prime Minister called it was some sign of healthy democracy. I believe he meant it was an irony.

Some people do not have a clear strategy nor principles. They react, however, when people of different religions try to counter them, either economically or militarily. I call their tactics brainless breasts because once they get into that stage and paid up for the thoughtless scheme, they no longer understand human language. One of the reason why the Obama administration is popular among the world is it is relatively reasonable in listening to the people in any parts of the world. But the Congress and Senate are just the same as before. For whatever reason, mostly lobbying, they start out issuing resolutions and decide for the parts of the world they have no knowledge of nor no interests in for enough amount of time for the problems they issued would be solved. What do they plan to do now that the whole entire social structure has been destroyed forcefully by outer forces?

Fat cats got the money and the PM was still trying to buy the lawmakers -- their agenda etc. They call it Mission Charme.

I was listening to Messiah just this afternoon after the PM got that amount of vocal phony supports from the US lawmakers. It is a good piece of music. It says: Glorious -- Wonderful -- Counselor -- Almighty God and everlasting Father, rhymed with the melody.

At the G8 summit online, the IT leaders will be present, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, etc.

The House and Senate seem to have been taking time affirming the nomination of the person responsible for the consumer protection agency created to protect consumer rights such as credit card frauds. The banks get tens of billions of dollar for overdrafts and late payments.