The Indian government cracked down the protest for corruption led by the yoga guru Ramdev. Around 50,000 gathered for the protest. The guru is insisting he would continue the strike.
The video shows a person struggling with hunger who utters some phrases repeatedly for what he believes would gain supports from his followers, his nationals, and perhaps the high being he believes in. While the violent threat on his part of the hunger strike "to death" sounds immoral, more than 40 people and a dozen policemen were injured by the crackdown. The guru insists that the crack down "was the worst thing happened in his life" and called for the government to take measures to counter corruption cases.
This incident, happens to e the most searched topics on the Internet between 2 am to 4 pm, according to Google Trends.
The video shows a person struggling with hunger who utters some phrases repeatedly for what he believes would gain supports from his followers, his nationals, and perhaps the high being he believes in. While the violent threat on his part of the hunger strike "to death" sounds immoral, more than 40 people and a dozen policemen were injured by the crackdown. The guru insists that the crack down "was the worst thing happened in his life" and called for the government to take measures to counter corruption cases.
This incident, happens to e the most searched topics on the Internet between 2 am to 4 pm, according to Google Trends.