President Obama called out for an agreement on budget talks

President Obama called out for an agreement on budgets in his weekly address to the nation. He touted the bipartisan agreements on one trillion budget cuts and said everything should be on the table including ending tax breaks for big corporations, and millionaires and billionaires and closing loopholes for particular interest groups.

When the middle and low income people are suffering from the budget cuts, those who export jobs overseas and not paying the taxes to the US government but to other governments, are making record profits.

The President referred to the impacts of the budget cuts on students and education, researches and studies, and seniors. He emphasized the importance in the investments in education, research and technology for job creation.

Where are the jobs? While made-in-China products are getting better in quality, the calls for to invest in the research and technology sector in the States seem to sound just right. China is the largest exporter in the world at $1.5 trillion in 2010.

The President concluded the address with some reference to democracy. He said, democracy is not always pretty. "We have arguments. We disagree" he said. Whether the 98% percent of Americans would have a say to the tax breaks on the wealthiest 2% or not, is what the democracy is all about. Let us hope the voices of democracy will reach the ears of lawmakers.