For the first time in history, Michele Bachmann won the 'straw poll' in Iowa as a female candidate. Ron Paul followed her close by a few hundreds of votes. Tim Pawlenty announced his withdrawal from the race with the results.
Bachmann's face now is on the Newsweek magazine. So how do Minnesotan residents value her performances?
According to HuffPost poll, Michele Bachmann was rated 33% favorable and 59% unfavorable. The incumbent Senator Klobuchar fares 57% if facing against 37% Bachmann where she got 61% job approval rates and 28% disapproval rates.
President Obama was in Minnesota today on his bus tour in the Middle West region. He emphasized the problems that we face: clean energy, broadband infrastructure, free trades, jobs, debts and the balanced approach, the wars, education, social security, medicare and medicaid. He stress the point again that if no measure is taken, the middle class payroll tax will be raised next year. The Republicans are blocking the extension for all reasons other than standing up for the middle and low working class.
How does these all play out in the election? That is what we will see in the 2012 election.
Bachmann's face now is on the Newsweek magazine. So how do Minnesotan residents value her performances?
According to HuffPost poll, Michele Bachmann was rated 33% favorable and 59% unfavorable. The incumbent Senator Klobuchar fares 57% if facing against 37% Bachmann where she got 61% job approval rates and 28% disapproval rates.
President Obama was in Minnesota today on his bus tour in the Middle West region. He emphasized the problems that we face: clean energy, broadband infrastructure, free trades, jobs, debts and the balanced approach, the wars, education, social security, medicare and medicaid. He stress the point again that if no measure is taken, the middle class payroll tax will be raised next year. The Republicans are blocking the extension for all reasons other than standing up for the middle and low working class.
How does these all play out in the election? That is what we will see in the 2012 election.