1 in 6 Americans in Poverty

The census data shows those who live below the poverty line increased to 15.1% in 2010. This is an increase of 2.6 million people in poverty since 2010, totaling 46.2 million people living in poverty line in the United States.

The figure shows three year average state poverty rates from 2008 to 2010 by states.

Rosh Hashanah (rosh=head, hashana=year) is the Jewish New Year's Day which starth Sep. 28 this year. In Jewish calendar, this is the year 5772. A musical instrument called shofar is played in this occasion. The notes of shofar can be classified as tekiah (a long note), shevarim (three short notes), teruah (nine short notes), tekiah gedolah (a long note played at the end).