The Japan's new cabinet

The Japan's new Noda cabinet members and DPJ's party executives were announced. The highly anticipated appointment ordeal came a bit later than expected and the members include some relatively unknown figures as well. That may mean showing the Prime Minister's political wills for a change, or a challenge.

Some of the Ozawa group members were appointed as well as from other groups, aiming to form unity within the party. The difference of opinions, under the moderate lead by Noda, should not be too 'apparent'. The conflict might include banning some show of patriotism such as visiting shrines, which the new Prime Minister declared he and his cabinet members would not, facing the oppositions from the left wings and neighboring nations.

There are two female lawmakers entered in the newly appointed cabinet, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Youko Komiyama, and Minister of Government Revitalization; Minister of Civil Service Reform Renho. Both are fairly popular and known and vocal. Renho played a role in making government wastes an issue on TV.

Let us hope the new administration will take initiatives to modernize the nation. Let us hope, say, at least government documents will be put online and can be downloaded, and let the mail system work for submission of them. Let us hope the government finance management be modernized that at least we can use cash if not credit cards for the transaction. Let us hope that the Parliament can use electronics such as notebooks and projectors that can be put on public if not at the time of presentation then later.

Minister of Finance: Jun Azumi (Maehara group)

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Koichiro Gemba (Genba group)

Minister of Defense: Yasuo Ichikawa (Ozawa group)

Minister of Justice: Hideo Hiraoka (Kondo/Hiraoka group)

Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare: Yoko Komiyama (Maehara group)

Minister of Government Revitalization; Minister of Civil Service
Reform: Renho (Noda group)

Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications; Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs: Tatsuo Kawabata (Former Democratic Socialist Party group)

Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:
Masaharu Nakagawa (Hata group)

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries: Michihiko Kano
(Kano group)

Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry: Edano Sachio (Maehara group) *

Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism: Takeshi
Maeda (Hata group)

Minister of Restoration From and Prevention of Nuclear Accident:
Goshi Hosono (Maehara group), also Minister of Environment now

Chief Cabinet Secretary: Osamu Fujimura (Noda group)

Chairman of National Public Safety Commission; Minister for
Abduction Issue: Kenji Yamaoka (Ozawa group)

Minister of Postal Reform; Minister of State for Financial
Services: Shozaburo Jimi (People’s New Party)

Minister of National Policy; Minister of Economic and Fiscal
Policy: Motohisa Furukawa (Maehara group)

Minister of Reconstruction in Response to Great East Japan
Earthquake; Minister of Disaster Management: Tatsuo Hirano (Ozawa group)

* Yoshio Hachiro (Former Socialist Party group) resigned over gaffes