The American Jobs Act and the 99%

President Obama has been pushing the Congress for the American Jobs Act. The media, however, is taking it up in their usual ways of explaining the people on what it means, both positively nor negatively. There is no fanfare of how good it is to save teacher and firefighters jobs, nor how bad it is spending too much tax money. It is not even discussed, by experts nor by citizens. The polls show that the majority agree with the measures in the American Jobs Act for that matter, and it is not from the viewers that prefer not to taking it up.

So what has preventing the news coverage of the American Jobs Act? The video clip below show how it works. The video itself is showing how it is damaging to install pipelines on our soil environmentally. But it shows something else as well. It is the voice of people who are fighting against the pressure from the oil companies.

The American Jobs Act contains the provision of, one of the most popular theme in the US political theater, "ending tax subsidies to oil companies". Oil companies have bought out the media and Washington. The 99% of people must find a way to reach out to people. The Occupy Wall Street protests cry out "We are the 99%", and it is time for those who are bought and are bound by the ancent regime of hierarchy to listen to the 99%.

The question really is, do we vote for those in Congress now, seem to have been bought by the oil companies and are siding with the riches instead with us the 99%? With the approval rates so low, they indeed might see the change coming for the next election. The preservation of hierarchy, of riches has the say in the Congress while the 99% has not been able to even talk about ending subsidies to oil companies, is not democratic.

The majority of Americans agree with taxing the rich. They experts agree with that the disparity is the major obstacles in making economy work. The pressure is such that 'you can feel like the riches by the media images so that mentally you agree not to oppose the low tax rates for the riches'. It is complete ridiculous to make an analogy of making a working middle class person to feel like those who are making -- having the income flow in millions, or tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, or in billions -- a year.