The Payroll Tax Cut extention

It is not hard to see GOP candidates did not get the popularity that they need.

I want the Payroll Tax Cut to be extended like so many others.

We are the 99%.

It is a winning cause. But who's the enemy? Democrats, for revenue to spend more? Republicans, for obstructionism "the party of NO's" -- but people will turn against the Republicans if this does not pass? The Administration for a deal making -- with unemployment benefits? Unemployment benefits are not welfare.

Is militaristic "victories" popular in France? Freeing hostages? Air raids? Sending forces to Afghanistan?

Stereum complicatum

All sciences start from differentiation. Differentiate, name it, and that is identification. In case with mushrooms, is it

1. bolate
umbonate, companulate, plane, depressed, conic, round
2. tooth
3. clublike
4. shelf
5. jelly
6. puffball
7. earthstar
8. stinkhorns
9. birds nest
10. cup

I found a massive Calvatia gigantea in the wood. I should have brought the measure. It is an ivory colored, smelly, globose some 20 cm in size fungi.

The fungi that I observed in the woods yesterday are:
shelf type:
   bleached, porus underneath, thin
   layered calsium carbonate colored, light brown underneath
   layered brown in various colored, light brown porus underneath
   orange wavy small fungi
   brown balls
jelly mushroom:
   dark brown or charcoal
cup type:
   small bleached light brown

Ceramic Parchment, Xylobolus frustulatus

Pear-Shaped Puffball, Lycoperdon pyriforme

Jelly Ear, Auricularia auricula-judae