Briefing by Jay Carney: Jan 2, 2012

* Iowa caucus on Democrats' side?
-- We pursue "open government". We have shown progress in Iraq withdrawal, the healthcare reforms, in the environmental issues, and in education.
* What would be in his speech?
-- He will focus on growing the economy and helping protect the middle class.
* On Iran?
-- Tehran is under pressure. It must observe the international obligations. Or the International community must put it under isolation and place sanctions. The Iranian currency is down.
* What is the President's opinions on the defense cuts and the two wars?
-- We are now at a turning point. We are facing new challenges. We must take these opportunities to responsibly and strategically cut spending. Congress Republicans must take balanced approaches to balance the budgets.
* What would be in the Ohio executive actions?
-- They will be on jobs and economy.
* Gingrich says this Administration can not work with Congress.
-- The Administration is ready to talk but the President won't compromise. He will press on extending Payroll Tax Cuts for the middle class asking for bipartisan support and by calling out to voters.
* Does Taliban have Qatar office now? What about the prisoners in Guantanamo?
-- We must seek political settlement in Afghanistan and pursue reconciliation efforts. You know the Administration is working to close Guantanamo.
* What would be in the President's tomorrow trip? Did he contact with lawmakers?
-- He will press Congress for saving the economy and create jobs. We have had positive results on the American Jobs Act and Payroll Tax Cuts extension.
* What does the Administration regard as success in the deal making?
-- The Administration is taking cooperative actions, and showed willingness to compromise. The essential thing is to get things done. We have seen some progresses, such as trade agreements, some agenda in the jobs act. It showed voters overall number one priority of the Administration.
* Is this coalition governing? How do you tell Boehner to cooperate?
-- The Republicans continue to filibuster and we must challenge the "do-nothing" Congress to get things done.
We are not doing this for some vague psychological effects or ideological causes.
* What of the focus of this Administration on Latin America? Iran?
-- We repeatedly calls out to Iran to follow the International obligations.
* Syria contingency planning will the US attack Syria, again into a war?
-- The Arab league is there with our support. Syria continues to suffer from the government oppression.

-- The Republican primary will be held in Iowa today. The opinion polls say the former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is running ahead.

-- The French Presidential candidate Francois Hollande issued a statement
for the new year.