President Obama announced his policies on the military spending

President Obama announced the new defense strategies on Thursday. The President referred to the killing of Osama bin Ladin and Libya. The 'smart war' costs less, is more effective, and enhance the US's standing in the world. The President said, we must strategically and tactically manage the budgets on defense.

Then, I was taken aback to hear the President criminal remarked on the defense budget.

In fact, the defense budget will still be larger than it was toward the end of the Bush Administration.


I do not want my tax money to go to the military.

As if they are getting ready to start yet another war.

Let me ask this question -- what is so good about spending so much on military? The US's defense budget is much more than the defense budget of the rest of the world combined. What good does it do to develop another weapons? When exactly could there be the chance to use ballistic missiles? Let alone nuclear weapons? The aircraft carriers are showy, but when fighter jets can fly from the mainland, does it is worth billions of our tax money? If the purpose of having weapons is the show of the power, the political clouts are much more important than military parades.

Why can they not cut the defense budgets?

There is this danger of arms races. The fallen drone is in the hands of Iran. They just can take it in those circumstances. They being who, is decided by politics, not by a war. Take the case of nukes. Now even a nation like North Korea has one. What can the States do in such cases? Without proper foreign policies and tactics, having the world superpower class weapons means simply nothing but sit and wait for what China is going to do with its allied states.

Let us get to senses. Let us use our tax money for good purposes. And let us balance the budgets, by eliminating wasteful spending.