President Obama answered online questions in a Google+ hangout event

President Obama answered online questions in a Google+ hangout event this afternoon. On the foreign policy front, Secretary Jay Carney in press conference also answered the questions on the stance the Administration is taking.

So then, what exactly do the Obama Administration have on those issues on EU, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Georgia, Egypt, and Russia in particular?

The civil war is looming in Syria, a nation in the turmoil under the long term dictatorship. Russia opposed the UNSC resolutions on Syria. What are the plans and how will the US deal with Russia on this issue? Secretary Carney repeated the optimism; "Gini is out" that the regime will soon, eventually, and inevitably be out and that the international community will stop the appalling and unacceptable carnage.

What will the Administration do for the American citizens who were seeking shelter in the embassy in Cairo? The nation recently voted for the parliament where Islamist parties occupy more than 70% of the seats. Secretary Carney referred to the election calling it "victory" for the revolution and said that "we congratulates" the new democratic Egypt. It is reported that the US-Egypt ties are record-low as well as with Pakistan.

To the question why the US is sending aids to Pakistan when it was "hiding" the long term US enemy of Osama bin Ladin, the President answered some people think the aids are more than 25%, but it is not the case. When the US drones are killing so-called militants along with many Pakistani citizens, how does the President take the risk of inciting hatred among Pakistani people against the United States?

The President answered the question online. Which is better than not selecting the question. He answered that the drone attacks are actually pretty "accurate" and civilians are not involved. Those killed were the US enemies; they were planning attacks against the US.

US president says use of drones is "kept on very tight leash" in rare acknowledgement of controversial missile strikes.

The good news is, the French troops are to withdraw from Afghanistan a year earlier than planned. What are the strategies of the Administration in AfPak meeting? Secretary Carney answered; we are in transition to pass authority to Afghan security forces in 2014. It is our priority number one national security issue.

There was a question on how the Greek financial crisis affecting the US economy. Secretary Carney answered; it is our problem. We are giving advices to those EU nations. We are very concerned about the quasi default of the nation. The President is making phone calls to those involved.