President Obama's address in UIC, Chicago, IL

President Obama spoke at UIC, Chicago, IL on Wednesday.

President Obama said in his speech, it might be wiser for politicians to listen to the 1% but we stand up for the middle class. Outside, the Occupy Chicago people were chanting "banks got bailed out, we got sold out". The President said the top 1%ers need to pay the fair shares.

The President said, we ended the war in Iraq, repealed DADT, pass the healthcare bill after 70 years of debate in this nation. He did not say, "as promised" in telling us each of the achievement that he referred to. Instead, he said we need four more years to stand for what we voted for in 2008.

President Obama said, we need to invest in education and research that are the bases of our prosperity and said that the oppositions are trying to cut funding for teachers. The President referred to the meeting with the business leaders on "in-sourcing" jobs and emphasized the importance of having manufacturing jobs in the US.