In his speech on economy in Ohio, President Obama announced to name the former Ohio attorney general Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
The President promised the voters as the new year's resolution that he would be out of Washington and talk to voters.
He emphasized that the nation is still in the process of paying back the debts from the housing bubbles and the Administration is working day in and out to help recover the economy and create jobs. The Congress must extend beyond the current two month extension of the Payroll Tax Cut or the middle class would see the taxes rise, right in the middle of the election season.
The President promised the voters as the new year's resolution that he would be out of Washington and talk to voters.
He emphasized that the nation is still in the process of paying back the debts from the housing bubbles and the Administration is working day in and out to help recover the economy and create jobs. The Congress must extend beyond the current two month extension of the Payroll Tax Cut or the middle class would see the taxes rise, right in the middle of the election season.