Press conference by Jay Carney

Press Secretary Jay Carney held a press conference today.  Here are the topics discussed -- slightly modified to my taste.

- Is the State of the Union speech on 24th on the Internet, on TV, and on radio?
- France is ending the Afghan war.  Are we?
- What are the progress in Iranian issues?
- Is it right for the incumbent President to go for campaigning? 
      The President does oppose the Citizens United decision.
- What happens to the payroll tax cut discussion?
- "We are number one, are we not?"
- Providing visa to China and Brasil people should increase tourists.  Any problems?
- We are not attacking Syria like we did to Libya, are we?
- The people in Yemen want to get rid of the President.  Do we?
- What could ever be the blueprint for the middle class? 
- Palestine joined the UNESCO.  What is the next step?