END the subsidies to oil companies

We went to Milwaukee, WI for canvassing.  

The unequal distribution of wealth, is rather evident in cities.  They pay the taxes for oil companies billions of dollars each year. 

The government sucks up money and giving it away to those big companies from which the lawmakers receive millions of money or even more.  It pays off.  They get our tax money in return. 

On a corner of the city of Milwaukee, there is a Democratic office with signs of 2012 campaign.  Among the blue signs all over the window, there was a picture of President Obama with a sign "I'm in".  The area is overwhelmingly Democrat.  Are they aware of the corporate welfare to oil companies?

As a matter of fact, the Democrats nor Republicans do not seem to have any objections ending the tax subsidies to oil companies.  But it is often the case that the people are not aware that it will be the subject of discussion in the Congress in the coming weeks.  Chances are that the major media sources would avoid talking about the issue, due to the ad money they receive. 

President Obama in his weekly address calls out to contact local representatives "call, e-mail, twitter" to end the $4 billion subsidies to oil companies.  Let them hear us.  Let us hope, that the oil dollars will not stifle our voices.

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