Senate voted down Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Acgt

The Senate voted down the Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act of 2012 51-47 on Thursday.

The Act aims to end more than $20 billion subsidies to big oil companies and divert the money to clean energy initiatives.  Sen. Menendez sponsored and other 19 senators cosponsored the Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act of 2012.  It only makes sense to repeal the government hand-outs to highly profitable oil companies. 

We need clean energy.  And will more so in the coming years.  The emerging nations need and consume more oil resources.  The car sales in emerging nations boosted its oil consumptions.  Their demands will increase to the point that would put the world in dangerous wars for oil resources. 

What have the US said to China on any issues except for the trade laws?  Not on currency, not on resources, not on nukes, not on human rights. 

By all means, we need clean energy.  We need to save energy as well. 

The problem with corruption by the oil companies, won't get less in its importance.  If the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan do not tell them what the ramification of the corruption cases with the lawmakers and the oil companies, they should question what they claim as democracy.

The media age is over.  I would like to put an end to it, rather.  They belong to the 'vested interest' group, the enemies of the 99% of the voters.  They write articles when they get the money from very small number of people and they are not with us at all.