
Fluorescence differs from phosphorescence in the process that emits light.  Phosphorescence lasts longer.  One of the materials of the OLED's phosphorescence is iridium, Ir, atomic number 77. 

The veepstake is now giving light to those whose names been taken up and being talked about.  The GOP may target the Hispanic vote, or female votes.  Finding factors that defines the race and modeling and formulating the interaction of those elements would be an essential step in understanding what is going on in this year's Presidential race. 

Light and luminescence, are out there at the end of the tunnel.  The French Presidential is scheduled to be voted upon next Monday.  The run-off will be in the next month. 

The advancement of science and technology is changing our lives while what they have up there in Washington has been exactly the same over decades. 

Or not.  There are, a whole lot of expectations out there already.