Promises kept -- but promises to whom?

The EU leaders agree to bail out Spanish banks directly through ESM (European Stability Mechanism), bypassing local government against the opposition from the German government.  The banks within the euro zone are to be managed by ECB, European Central Bank, eying to expand its horizon to more EU member nations.

The Supreme Court guaranteed legality of the Healthcare reform.  People seems to have some reservations on the SCOTUS decisions.  I talked about the issue that the Arizona laws case allows the illegal immigrants to seek jobs and the Healthcare laws does not prohibit the government from mandating something as costly as the health insurance.  She said it takes a lawyer to understand and I said that is exactly what the President is. 

The House held Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.  Many members from the Democratic party withheld voting on this issue.  While if the executive branch kills people behind our back, there will be no limit, the getting the document public might results in endangering the safety of people.