The Aurora Batman movie theater shooting incident prompted some discussions on gun control, especially reviving the assault weapons ban that had been effective until 2004. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy's HR.308 and Sen. Frank Lautenberg's S.32 which prohibits sales of high capacity magazines or clips are already submitted to the committee. The intimidation from NRA and the members have not suppressed the opinions of the ordinary citizens with common sense idea that more the guns, then more the crimes.
I was tempted to search for expressing my anger toward NRA's president David Keene. To my surprise, I found none of his picture nor drawing with blood nor bullet on his forehead. Neither of the picture nor drawing of the vice president Wayne LaPierre. They are there to take responsibilities of having their members go along with the rules and preferably the rules of the society that guarantee safety for all citizens. The assault weapons or handguns, or high capacity magazines nor clips are not for pleasure hunting. For their credibility and social standing, we should be hoping more from the management of the club than the famous and rather sinister tweet on the Friday morning: 'Good morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend plans?'
Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sen. Barbara Boxer on Tuesday voiced support for the assault weapons ban. The voices have been heard; of the people who are concerned of the high rates of gun-related violences. Let us hope there would be no more "No More" comments from those in charge. Let us hope there will be no more rampage with assault rifles.
I was tempted to search for expressing my anger toward NRA's president David Keene. To my surprise, I found none of his picture nor drawing with blood nor bullet on his forehead. Neither of the picture nor drawing of the vice president Wayne LaPierre. They are there to take responsibilities of having their members go along with the rules and preferably the rules of the society that guarantee safety for all citizens. The assault weapons or handguns, or high capacity magazines nor clips are not for pleasure hunting. For their credibility and social standing, we should be hoping more from the management of the club than the famous and rather sinister tweet on the Friday morning: 'Good morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend plans?'
Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sen. Barbara Boxer on Tuesday voiced support for the assault weapons ban. The voices have been heard; of the people who are concerned of the high rates of gun-related violences. Let us hope there would be no more "No More" comments from those in charge. Let us hope there will be no more rampage with assault rifles.