Ohio Rep. Latourette to retire; EU unemployment figure reaches 11.2%; Palestine; Romanian referendum; India's power outage
- The Republican Ohio District 14 Congressional Representative Steve LaTourette is to retire. He is known to have been a close ally of the House speaker John Boenher.
Could it mean power shift or new leadership is taking over before the election?
- The unemployment figure in Europe now reached 11.2%. While the figure matches the estimate, it is at the worst level since 1995.
- The Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney was in Israel and stated he supports a two state solution.
- The Romanian left wing failed to ouster unpopular right wing President by a referendum on Sunday. While he got the yes votes for only just above 10% of the people voted, the number of voters did not reached the criteria for the referendum to be effective.
- India is suffering from the most devastating power outage.
Could it mean power shift or new leadership is taking over before the election?
- The unemployment figure in Europe now reached 11.2%. While the figure matches the estimate, it is at the worst level since 1995.
- The Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney was in Israel and stated he supports a two state solution.
- The Romanian left wing failed to ouster unpopular right wing President by a referendum on Sunday. While he got the yes votes for only just above 10% of the people voted, the number of voters did not reached the criteria for the referendum to be effective.
- India is suffering from the most devastating power outage.